Poplar Headboard

About nine months ago I made a very simple platform bed from two-by-fours with the intention of creating a great headboard to attach to the back. Months passed and this weekend I finally found the burst of energy I needed to build it. All together the headboard was about $80, plus some sweat and swear words. I bought a large piece of 3/4 inch thick plywood and a whole bunch of thin strips of poplar from the lumber section at Lowes. I cut the poplar to the right size with a hand saw and lined the plywood with the strips. Then I sanded everything down with 100 to 400 grit sand paper, stained it and sealed it. 

Unicorn Costume

I have wanted to be a unicorn for Halloween for years and years. Finally, as Halloween came around this year I decided to go for it. I bought a white crushed velvet jumpsuit on etsy, some very soft fabric, white glitter yarn and some stiff glitter paper. I made a hooded dress out of the fabric, a horn out of the glitter paper horn, and wore black shoes and socks for hoofs. 

Superhero Cape

It was my 4 year old nephew's birthday recently and I decided to make him a superhero cape. They're fairly simple, but I needed to create a symbol that represented his fantastic imagination and energy. After many iterations, my boyfriend had the brilliant idea of turning the first letter of his name into a rocket. His name is Mac. 

Fabric Design

Another thing I've wanted to learn to do is design fabric. I work 9-5 at a fine art foundry as a metal finisher, so I designed two simple fabrics covered in metal finishing burs and had them printed on spoon flower. It was quite exciting to receive them in the mail! I made two bandanas for my boss and a bag for a dear friend of mine who also happens to be metal finisher. The pocket on the bag is a hand printed patch by the illustrator Evan Cohen. 


Record Table

I have desperately wanted to learn how to dovetail for years and finally decided to just go for it. I bought some cheap tools on amazon and watched a few online tutorials, my favorite being a video on youtube by a woodworker named David Barron. I recently acquired a record player and a bunch of records so I decided to design a very simple record table. I bought poplar plywood (huge mistake), a handsaw, chisels, and a hand saw. If you decide to build this, splurge for solid wood! Feel free to email me for a tutorial. 


I recently traded a friend my digital art skills for some soldering and patina skills. I taught myself to dovetail (see record table post) and set to work on some Christmas presents for my family. I made three boxes from poplar and bronze; one for tea, one for cigars and one for miscellaneous items. The cigar box has a poplar exterior with bronze lining and a built in humidifier to keep the cigars moist. The tea box is 1/2 inch poplar with a beaten bronze inlay, and the miscellaneous box is bronze with poplar lining. 
